bedbugs are..
"a type of insect, found all over the world. They feed off the blood of humans and other mammals. Bedbugs tend to infest dirty houses, particularly beds and mattresses, which explains their name. However they can also be found in homes that are regularly cleaned.
Bedbugs are small, wingless insects with highly developed mouth parts that can pierce skin. These insects are nocturnal, which means they rest during the day and feed at night. Their bite is itchy and swells into a reddened wheal. Unlike the random pattern of bites made by mosquitoes, bedbugs tend to leave orderly rows. Another clue to a bedbug infestation is the presence of small bloodspots left on the sheets. Bedbugs aren't known to transmit any blood-borne diseases."
Your flash makes me want another pillow and matress case to protect me and eye coverings (contacts).